[ W W W 7 V o l u n t e e r s ]

Volunteers Mailing List

Marcin Cieslak has set up a mailing list for WWW5 volunteers, let's reactive this mailing list for WWW7 discussions.

To subscribe, send a message to listproc@sgh.waw.pl containing

subscribe vol-l first-name last-name

in the message body, NOT on the subject line where vol-l is the list name, and first-name and last-name make your real name, for example

subscribe vol-l Rivkah Sass

You will then receive information that your request has been forwarded.

To send a message to all subscribed volunteers send it to vol-l@sgh.waw.pl.

To get help, send a message containg HELP in the body to listproc@sgh.waw.pl, or mail Marcin Cieslak for assistance.

Your suggestions and additions on the WWW7 Volunteers web site are most welcome.

The official conference logo does not imply an endorsement of the WWW7 Volunteers web site by the conference organizers, or the IW3C2.
The official IW3C2 site can be found at http://www.iw3c2.org/.
All information herein is provided by the volunteers of the Seventh World Wide Web Conference.